My Family

My Family

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Summertime growing

I love my flowers during the summertime. Admittedly, I'm really bad at keeping flowers and other plants growing inside of my house.
Exibit A: a rose bush and ivy...

But, during the spring and summer, I'm a genius outside! (Although, the most that I do is ask Rick to make sure the sprinkling system is on the flower beds, and then go out and pluck off the dead flowers). So, perhaps "genius" isn't quite the word to use.

Exhibit B: Yummy flowers galore!

Beautiful, right? Oh, and here is my attempt at growing tomatoes (I've already eaten several!)...

Ralph Waldo Emerson said: "The Earth Laughs in Flowers". If that's true, then my garden is a comedy club!

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