My Family

My Family

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

There is a reason...

You just never know when good things will happen to you. Last Saturday, I participated in the I Heart Utah Festival. They were expecting 10,000 people and got about 125. Yep. 125 people! It was sooooo hot and depressing. All the vendors were annoyed. At around 5:00 pm I decided that I'd call it a day. I just didn't want to stay another 2 hours. Then, Rannette - the Cherish Bound consultant who was sharing my booth - said we had toughed it out all day long, we should stay until the end. So we did. And the most amazing things happened...
1. I met a lady who had a booth next to mine. She thought our business sounded interesting and I'm going to go and do a gathering at her house for her and 5 daughters!
2. One of her daughters was there with her and just happened to be a teacher. I told her about the I'm An Author program for schools, and she is super excited about it. She is going to talk to her principal about having me come and teach it.
3. 2 other people came to talk to me about I'm An Author. One lady wants me to do it in the private school her kids go to. The other guy is going to convince his mother (who is a teacher) that she can't live without it!
4. I met another vendor who was promoting a concert. She offered us a booth (one of only 6) at a very reduced price, gave us 50 tickets to sell for full profit, and when she found out about my cancer, she gave me another 50 tickets to sell at the cancer walk - we get to keep all the proceeds. Incredible.
5. And last, but not least, I met a family who travels to Guatemala every 8 weeks. I told them about Four of Hearts Foundation and they are so excited to help us do fundraising and help us when we go down to Guatemala.

You just never know when cool things are going to happen. I feel like there was a reason I signed up for this festival, a reason I got a partner to help with the booth, a reason we stayed late, and a reason we met all of these people. I love it when cool things happen!

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