It's been kind of a boring week actually. This was Grant's first week home and he spent the week catching up on sleep. He spent some time with friends, too. He fixed up his room, unpacked, and watched some movies that he missed while on his mission (Kung Fu Panda and Harry Potter's Order of the Phoenix). He also signed up to take two classes at the University of Utah this summer.
Rick worked and while he was home, he and Grant started working on the bikes for their bike trip (next week). All of the bikes need tune ups!
Michael has been at school (USU) - he had a paper due this week and a test. He's been listening to lectures on the computer for a biology test coming up next week. He and Ashley are driving down today and will stay this weekend with us, so they can attend Grant's homecoming talk and party afterwards.
This was the first week of the fourth quarter for both Alex and Matthew. Alex was still trying to catch up on some work for last quarter. I think he's done and his report card for 3rd quarter will be pretty SWEET! Mostly A and A- grades.
Matthew, unfortunately, missed 3 days of school this week. He feels pretty crappy in the mornings - I think he has a cold or something. So, he'll have TONS of homework next week. Bummer. He is also trying to finish up some missing work for last quarter. He just got home from a scout activity - a canned food drive. He went around picking up food that people left on their front steps. I love these scout activities!
The coolest thing that happened this week was that Matthew was ordained to the priesthood last Sunday. Grant was able to be there for that (we waited until he came home from the mission to help with the ordination). Matthew was able to pass the sacrament for the first time. He did very well. It was also Grant's first week back in our home ward. He got to shake lots of hands and everyone seemed excited to see him. It was only the second time I've been to church in the last 8 months, so lots of people came to hug me and wish me well.
My week has been pretty good. I haven't done a lot - it's been too cold to walk outside. I had a Herceptin treatment this week and I also went to the plastic surgeon's office to get a "fill". And I had the thrilling experience of having an ultrasound on my neck, in prep for my parathyroid surgery. Yesterday I needed a little retail therapy, so I went with my sis to Taipan Trading. That used to be my favorite store, but it's been awhile since I've gone. I wasn't too thrilled with it - there were too many plants and flowers. Bummer. I just wanted to find some fun Easter stuff. There wasn't much there, so we high-tailed it over to The Quilted Bear and found a bunch of stuff. I stumbled across a 50% off sale on Boyd's Bears. Now, if you know me well, you know that I used to collect these bears. So, you can imagine how excited I was. I found a big, adorable, bunny named Brigham for only ten bucks! SCORE! I put everything I had in my cart back on the shelves and just got Brigham. Here's my beautiful, bunny, baby...
Grant brought me some cool souvenirs from Japan. I got 6 obis (those are the long material things that wrap around the waist of the kimonos. I'm using a few of them on some of my furniture. He also brought me a wooden kokeshi doll. Here are some pictures...
This is my doll and one of the obis (my favorite one)
Have a great week!
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