Sometimes I am reminded of cute things my kids have said over the years, and it makes me long for my little kids again. Yesterday, my husband said something about "heart beeps" that made me laugh and remember...
Michael has wanted to be a doctor since he was a little boy. My other kids didn't love going to see the doctor, but Michael was always fascinated with everything about the doctor's office. He couldn't sit still - he had to touch and try out everything. One Christmas, we decided a doctor's "kit" would be the perfect present for him. The one we got was all heavy-duty plastic. There was a bag that was full of "instruments". There were bandages that you wore like a bracelet, a syringe to give shots, a thermometer, and a blood pressure cuff.
Michael would make us sit down, and he would shove the thermometer in our mouth to take our temperature. He would tell us we needed a shot, and then proceed to give us one. I always made a big deal of hating needles. ;-) He would put the bandages on our "hurts", take our blood pressure, and try to makes us feel better. But, my favorite part was when Michael would say he wanted to listen to my "heart beep" (instead of "beat"). It was so cute! It cracked me up! Wish I had 3 year old Michael here again, for just one day!