I took Matthew out to lunch afterward - we went to Chilis. To say that Matthew is happy to be done with elementary school would be an understatement. He is thrilled! And I'm happy too. He's my last one in elementary school. Next year I'll have one in jr. high, one in high school, one in college, and one getting ready for a mission. I love my older kids - it's fun to watch as each child grows up - I love hanging out with all of them. I think you grow up with your kids. I use to be a mom who loved little kids, but now I would way rather have older kids.
Congratulations Matthew!
A word about the following pictures... I used a lens ( a 70-300mm) that I normally reserve for outdoor pics. I wanted to get closer than my normal lens (28-80mm) would allow, but I forgot that using this lens would make my pics blurry if I didn't hold perfectly still. Dang it! So, many of these pics are blurry. Bummer.
This first pic is Matthew walking in to the ceremony (he's at the back).
There is Matthew sitting between two girls.
Matthew is already bored (he's yawning!)- he is in the front row on the left side of the picture. One of his friends, Tanner, is at the right (the red head playing with his hat in the second row back).
This is the picture of Matthew on the slideshow.
Matthew receiving his diploma and walking away - these are sooooo blurry!
Matthew in front of the "H". He's so cute! And, Matthew with a group of his friends. Front row (L to R): Jonathon Thain, Seth Glancy, Conner Miles, Kent Adams. Back row (L to R): Joseph Larson, Soloman, and Matthew.